Hydracool Plus
علاج غير جراحي متعدد الخطوات يجمع ما بين ترطيب و تحضير الجلد بطريقة غير مؤلمة لإقطلاع البثور
1. AquaB Technology. It allows water molecules to penetrate the skin directly, which achieves:
Deep cleansing.
Improves the skin texture.
Balances water and oil secretion.
Restores natural skin color.
Removes blackheads and reduces pore size.
2. VibroX Technology. This special applicator produces countless CO2 bubbles, which penetrate deep into the skin which increase oxygen in blood circulation and revive skin cells leading to:
Skin rejuvenation.
Reduction of wrinkles.
Skin tightening effect.
3. Collagen+ Technology. this advanced RF stimulates collagen and elastin regeneration which results in:
Reducing wrinkles
Improving sagging skin
Lifting skin tissue
Reversing skin aging
4. UltraB Technology. This feature breaks down the molecular structure of skin hydrating and moisturizing products into smaller molecules allowing them to penetrate deep into the skin resulting in:
Smooth skin texture
Moisturized skin
Enriched skin from within
الخطوط الرفيعة والتجاعيد المرونة والتماسك توحيد لون البشرة وإضافة إشراق نوعية البشرة فَرْطُ التَّصَبُّغ البشرة الدهنية والمحتقنة المسام المتفتحة علامات التقدم في العمر
Benefits of the Hydracool Plus machine:
Cleans the skin.
Promotes skin cell regeneration.
Rejuvenates skin tissues.
Prevents the skin aging process.
Tightens the skin pore.
Prevents acne.
What are the skin concerns that could be treated?
Oily, combination or acne-prone skin
Pigmented, aged and dry skin
Pigmented, tired skin or the skin to be brightened
Loose & aged skin or scalp
What should I expect?
After treatment, the skin is firmer and smoother. The process is completely non-invasive and can be applied on all skin types even the most sensitive ones. HydraCool session gives glow and radiance to the skin.