What is the laser machine used at Piel?
Pastelle, FDA approved, is a premium Q-switched Nd : YAG Laser that provides high power output during all the pigment procedures. Consistent output on a large targeted area with uniform energy distribution allows safe and effective treatment, minimizing skin thermal injury and selectively destroying pigments present throughout the dermis. Also, PTP mode presents less pain and faster regeneration, compared to the single pulse.
How does the treatment work?
Medical lasers designed to eradicate tattoos range from a single wavelength of laser, the varieties of which are intended to eradicate the ink in the tattoo without damaging the skin. Certain colors of light are absorbed by specific corresponding colors of the tattoo ink. The laser energy vaporizes or fragments the ink particles which are gradually removed by the body’s natural filtering systems. The color fades destroying pigments present throughout the dermis. Also, PTP mode presents less pain and faster regeneration, compared to the single pulse. over the next couple of weeks.
How many treatments are required?
Size, color, ink composition, location and the age of the tattoo determine the number of treatments necessary to effectively complete removal. During the consultation, your treatment regimen will be reviewed and any questions you have will be answered. On average, professional tattoos require 6-8 treatments, while amateur tattoos may require 4 or more treatments due to the different composition of inks. Treatments are spaced approximately four to eight weeks apart. The number of treatments depends on the amount and type of ink used and the depth of the ink in the skin.
What will the treatment be like?
It is less painful to have a tattoo removed than getting it put on. An anesthetic cream should be applied an hour before the procedure. After the procedure the treated area may blister, swell, crust or scab. You will need to care for the area daily in order to prevent infection and get the best possible healing results. Your tattoo will then gradually fade for 4-8 weeks when we can again treat the area with our lasers. You may see additional fading for as long as several months so you can space the treatments farther apart but not closer than 2 weeks.
Is it painful?
In addition to the anesthetic cream, we use an advanced cooling device that numbs your skin, reduces swelling, enhances healing and improves safety. Our clients love this new technology as it makes all the difference.
What results can I expect?
The results and appearance of the tattoo vary from client to client. After each treatment sessions you will see the tattoo become lighter until it fades away completely. Due to the various levels of professionalism and types of inks used in tattooing the results and the number of treatments may vary. Typically, multiple treatments will be required and are scheduled 4 to 8 weeks apart.
Avoid exposing the area to sun, tanning beds or self-tanning creams 7 days before. For those with more sensitive skin, a topical anesthetic may be applied prior to treatment for pain relief. Area should be clean: no makeup, creams, oil or body lotion/milk. The treatment area must be free of any open sores, lesions, allergy or skin infection. Refrain from using bleaching and exfoliating creams for 3-4 days prior to the treatment.
Apply cold gauzes or ice packs to reduce swelling. Treated area may blister, swell, crust or scab. Avoid scratching the area during the healing process. Keep the treated area hydrated with soothing cream prescribed by the practitioner. The site may be left open and uncovered if there’s no sun exposure. Avoid excessive sweating, swimming saunas or hot tubes and vigorous working out for 24 – 48h. Use SPF 50 on the treated areas at all time. If any discomfort is felt in the first 24 hours pain killer can be taken. The skin should heal normally in 10-14 days.